Not familiar with leather shoes?

Leather shoes are unique so they require different care than other shoes. Check out our list of tips for taking care of your new shoes ↓

1. Realize that these shoes are different than others

Just like you wouldn't wear soccer cleats to the beach or flip flops to a business meeting, leather shoes are different than others you've had before. It's important that your realize this on your first day with them. With this in mind, you are ready for the other steps.

2. A quick wipe is worth it

When most people get home, they take off their shoes and forget about them until the morning. Don't do that with your new shoes. Leather attracts and shows dust and dirt more than other materials. It's important to take a minute to wipe off your shoes at the end of the day.

3. Water is the worst

Water and leather don't mix. Water can cause warping, discoloration, and other damage to your shoes. Do your best to avoid getting them wet. If they do, make sure to let them fully dry before wearing them again.

4. These might not be your everyday shoes

Leather shoes do best in a shoe rotation. They are not as durable as sneakers and may be a bit more delicate as they are handmade. Although you'll want to wear them everyday, add them into your shoe rotation and give them a day to breathe!

5. A little polish can go a long way

Depending on your preference, you may want to consider polishing your shoes, especially if you are going for a more professional look. Polish can help keep them hydrated, avoiding cracks and looking new! Be sure to make a routine out of it if you decide to add polish.

6. Avoid scuffs

Leather is a softer material that can scuff easily. If you scuff your shoe, it could permanently show. The toe is the most sensitive area to watch. Avoid dragging your feet and taking your shoes on rocks and other rough surfaces.

7. Use baking soda to keep them smelling odor free

Everyone loves their shoes smelling good! Although there are several ways to achieve this, a baking soda solution works especially well on leather.

8. Celebrate because the more you wear them the better they'll look (and fit)

This isn't so much of a tip as much as a reason to be happy! One thing you might not have realized when you bought the shoes is that leather ages over time due to its unique properties. Many people prefer the slighly different look of aged leather. Leather will also form to the shape of your foot over time. This is the main reason we don't have half sizes!

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